Right there and then in the game shop I booked in my PS1 to get a mod chip and ordered the US version of Tekken 3 (my first ever import game). As a life long PAL gamer, I knew our games had borders and slow down, but this was the first time I’d seen a PAL version with the 60Hz version fresh in my mind. They had a playable PS1, and it was playing the just released demo of Tekken 3. Shortly before Tekken 3 got its home release, I went into the city and after a brief visit to an arcade to play Virtual-On and Tekken 3, popped into a nearby game shop. Played through RF on my ancient hand-me-down TV. Prior to T3’s home release, Tekken 2 was my and my circle of friends, most played PS1 game. There’s a great deal of irony in the PS Classic releasing with the bad PAL version of Tekken 3 included. It has been endlessly frustrating trying to get to tie the loose ends together on these machines, especially when they are so interesting from a tech perspective. Konami sure loved Voodoo hardware tho, the Viper went on to use a Voodoo 3 deriative with a Motorola PPC processor only really known as a router CPU. Some say it used up to 4 Voodoo boards, but again, like with Namco System 23/33, it has been difficult to get some actual facts around these boards. This seemingly used multiple Voodoo 2 boards marred to a low performing PPC chip.